Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I love Lava Hot Springs on a Tuesday in July!

Several years ago, Lori and I discovered that we really enjoy meeting for the day at Lava Hot Springs. The first time we did it, it was in conjunction with a Singles’ Ward activity.  The activity was on a Saturday.  We had a great day, but decided to try a Tuesday the next time we met.  It seems that on a Saturday, one can practically walk across the bodies from one side of the pool to the other. However, on a Tuesday—it’s about 1/3 full, just right to enjoy for the day.  We bring a lunch and snacks, chairs and an awning and settle in for the afternoon.  The kids can swim and jump while we visit, and visit and laugh and laugh, and from time to time go take a dip in the pool where the temperature of the water just happens to be PERFECT!

Today was our get together.  It was a wonderful day. 


We arrived!


There it is! (Notice the lack of a crowd)


Bekah soakin’ up the sun—or catching some zzz—whatever!


Dinah thinking it over.  She actually made it off the lowest platform one time.  Sadly no one with a camera was around.  She couldn’t quite get the nerve to do it again.


Caleb, Morgan and Dinah on the big snake.


Dinah’s in the goggles.

We’ll be back—same time next year!

1 comment:

MamaHintze said...

Actually, this was posted my Marla. Frank was home on Grandpa duty with Benjamin. They stayed home so that Jacob could pick up Benjamin and take him home. He'd been at our house since early Sunday morning while his mommy had a baby--his new little sister, Gracie!