Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Healing Field--2012

Bekah has a new job. She now works for Colonial Flag. She works for the Healing Field division of Colonial Flag. This was a busy weekend for Colonial Flag. They sponsored the original Healing Field, in Sandy, 11 years ago. Now there are Healing Fields, and Honor Fields and Fields of Remembrance all over the country, throughout the year. Sunday night, in Sandy, was a lovely ceremony to dedicate a plaque, and to honor three specific fallen service men—a Marine, a search and rescue police officer, and a fire chief.


Dinah participated with the Jr High choir from American Preparatory Academy. They sang two verses of The Star-Spangled Banner, the fist and the fourth verses.


Then, on Tuesday, the choir was invited back to the Field of Flags, to be a part of Good Things Utah, on channel 4.

There was a little free time before the show began.


The kids again sang The Star-Spangled Banner, and also God Bless the U.S.A


It was a very nice morning. The kids learned the reality of being part of a live show. Lots of “hurry up and wait”. But they sang beautifully and added greatly to the patriotic spirit of the day.

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