Friday, November 19, 2010

Went to see Harry Potter last midnight. It always seems like a really good idea the week before as I'm buying the tickets, and as we pull into the parking lot about 11:30. The energy and excitement in the theater is contagious. I'm one of those few (it would seem) people that quite enjoy the 20 minutes or so of previews of upcoming movies, particularly this time of year, with the "block buster" holiday movies headed our way. However, at the midnight showing of ANY movie, I can do without all those previews. I came to see the movie, I want to just get started, see the movie and go home to bed! I could be home by 2:30 instead of 3:00 in the morning!

Well, back to Harry Potter. I loved it. I was a bit distracted, wondering, throughout the movie, where the break would come to end part one and leave us waiting for part two. When the time came, I sensed that we were there, and it made perfect sense. I enjoyed the humor, the drama. I thought the three characters that we've watched grow up did an amazing job of carrying most the movie on their capable shoulders. I'm of the opinion that the "nude" scene hype was just that, major hype to create publicity. I was sad when Hedwig and Mad-Eye and especially Dobby died. I laughed as George dealt with the loss of his ear. I'll probably go see it again in the theater, and will most likely re-read HP7, before the last episode comes out in July.


Heather said...

It WAS a perfect place to end the first part! :) We took all three of my girls to see it on Saturday. My five year old cried when Dobby died. It was so sad! And I totally agree with the nude scene. After it was over I thought, "Oh...I guess that's what they were talking about!" Kinda funny! Anyway, glad that you enjoyed it. Can't wait for the next one (although I will be sad that it's the last one!)

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 100% about all of it!

Though we didn't see it until a couple days ago and were running late so we missed all of the previews.

I cried over Dobby, too. And I have decided to re-read the whole series. I'm in between books right now, so it seems like a good time. :)

The "nude scene" was definitely publicity hype.