Monday, August 2, 2010

Our New Tile Floor

Frank has worked very the past few days taking up the old  laminate floor and put down a new tile floor.  It was pretty slow going until he decided to take off an extra day and a half on either side of he regular Friday day off. Thank goodness.

We’re getting closer.  Thursday afternoon, Friday, and Saturday were all spent laying the tile down.  Frank did it in sections, which meant we couldn’t walk in certain areas of the floor for several hours.  For quite a while I couldn’t get to the laundry room or Kitchen.  Woe to me!

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Benjamin helping Grandpa


Finally got over his concern about the big, loud vacuum.



Cutting the tile just so!


Bekah and Jeremy cutting the little, fitted pieces.

Today (Monday) Frank covered the tile with the grout. 



I love the contrast of the dark grout with the light tile.



Next up—new countertop, and the new carpet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've installed many contertops and have never been tipped and nor would I expect to be. It's very generous and thoughtful of you to even think of it though check out installing kitchen countertops. People like you are the good ones to work for and we certainly wouldn't want any extra money.