Sunday, March 14, 2010


This past Friday I was hacked with a capital H. The cyber criminal got my msn, gmail, and Facebook. What a pain it was. I set up new gmail and FB accounts. I've since been helped to get my old gmail account back, and FB has been in touch telling me what to do next. I appreciated the phone calls and texts from friends and family, as the hacker contacted them, checking to see if all was well with me. The standing answer is--If I ever contact you from London, asking for money, you will know that it's me if I'm asking for money to stay, not to come home.

Amazingly, life went on yesterday. I had a great day judging piano students at the Federation Festival. It was the first of my two Saturdays to judge. I had some of my own students playing at 2 other recital halls. They did well--4 Superiors and an Excellent. I've very pleased with their efforts. It was a lovely day. Another long day of judging next Saturday and then my own Caleb and Dinah play for the judges on the 27th. Caleb also as viola federation on the 27th. 'Tis the season for much music.

By the way--wait till you read what else happened yesterday!


sarah h. said...

what else happened yesterday?

Tennant Family said...

That was so crazy! Do you know if they caught the person who was trying to get money from all of your friends? I'm glad everything is ok!