Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Caleb’s talk

Sharing this talk that Caleb gave in Sac. Mtg on 6/28.  He did a nice job.  The words are all his, I think a added an apostrophe and a comma, and helped him locate the opening scripture. 

*********· Eph. 6: 1

  1 aChildren, bobey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.

Good morning brothers and sisters. Today I have been asked to speak on the topic Honoring my mother and father. ***** In the dictionary, the meaning of “honor” was “high regard or great respect given to one who is esteemed”. Now this definition fits perfectly to parents because if we as children expect a bed to sleep in, food in our belly, and a nice bed to sleep in, we should show our parents the proper respect they deserve. Without our parents, children would be hopeless… and much less be here. When My mother asks me to do a chore or errand that I am reluctant to do, she simply says, “I passed through the valley of shadow of death giving birth to you… now is your big chance to pay me back.” Well that isn’t exactly the answer I was hoping for, but it works. It is true that our parents sacrifice a lot to make our lives possible, and we should consent and honor what they say and do because they know what is best for their children.

I know that every day a new electronic gadget is coming out that many of the youth and children are begging to have, but their parents don’t consent. Me personally, I would like a cell phone, but my parents say I don’t need one right now and that it would be a big waste of money. Which is true, where am I going to have the money to pay for it? The youth and children may not see our parent’s decisions are the best right now, but in the total outcome, our parents are right, like always. We should respect their verdict and consent to what they say, reluctant as we may be. My mom has a sign in the kitchen that says “I’m the mommy, that’s why” Another true and reasonable reason to obey our parents.

What would our life be like without our mom? Other than the dad…Who would help us learn to cook, clean and other important life skills? Who would comfort us when we are down and depressed and who usually says… “ahh sweetie, I love that picture you drew. It is a masterpiece.” When we later notice that our drawing wasn’t very good at all? Who notices the good in every bad or helps us through our mistakes? Well, I hope the answer to all of those questions was our mom.

Who helps paint the girl’s room to the perfection In a girls view? Who helps his children see the logic of a puzzle unsolved? Who goes camping with you and puts up the tent, starts the fire and goes out of his way to make everything as best as possible? For boys, who helps you with your Pinewood derby cars or encourages you as you complete your scouting. I hope the answer to those questions was your dad.

As I said before, our parents have a full time job and responsibility to watch over their kids. They get no break until their apprentices (kids) learn their skill and start a family of their own, then it goes to a half time job, but the responsibility is still humongous. We should always respect and honor our very esteemed and hard working parents.


In the name of Jesus Christ, AMEN

1 comment:

All 4 Animals said...

Wow Caleb! I am impressed! That talk was really really good! I never thought of how much my parents wen through to get me here and how much they do for me on a daily basis. Reading your talk made me realize a lot of things. You did a great job! I will see you soon! Good Job! ~Lexi